We rebuilt our sanctuary in 2002, including a beautiful "Angel Garden" encircled with engraved bricks (4 by 8 inches) celebrating and honoring the living and creating a memorial to those who have died. St. Martha's Guild invites you to participate in this very special commemorative opportunity.
Purchase one or more bricks in honor or memory of a loved one, or in support of your Church or organization. The engraved bricks will blend to weave a mosaic creating a prominent walkway around the Garden, thereby establishing a perpetual memorial. Take advantage of this opportunity! There is no deadline on ordering your memorial.
Engraving Information
Up to 3 lines per brick. Each brick can contain 1, 2, or 3 lines.
20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)
Please type or print engraving information clearly in ALL CAPS.
Spell engraving information correctly. Proofread carefully. No changes will be accepted after order is submitted.
A 'correction' is considered a new purchase and costs an additional $65.00 USD per brick.
If you purchase more than one brick, please use a separate form for each brick.
Pricing Information
Each brick costs $65.00 USD and is fully tax deductible.
Click below to download the Angel Garden Brick Order Form.
Brick Order Form (pdf)
DownloadSt. Andrew's Episcopal Church
701 West Montgomery Road, Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088, US